The Ottawa Hiway Credit Union (OHCU), in the interest of protecting the assets of the Credit Union and maximizing dividends to members, has adopted the following policy. This policy provides for expulsion of members who cause a loss to the Credit Union. Expulsion may result, upon Board action, in the situations described below.
Expulsion Criteria: member-caused loss that may subject the member to expulsion action by the Board includes the following:
-causing a loss to OHCU, its succcessors or assignees, due to an uncollected or charged-off loan.
-causing a loss to OHCU through discharge due to Bankruptcy.
-failure to provide collected funds to cover withdrawals or personal share drafts.
-failre to provide collected funds to cover credit union drafts purchased by the member.
-faulure to pay fees or charges due to the credit union.
-has engaged in violent, beligerent, disruptive, or abusive activities.