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Loan Types

Open-End Revolving Calculate a Loan Payment

Fill out a Loan Application
Closed-End Signature
Share Secured
Home Equity
Student Loans
Visa Charge Card
Report lost or stolen
cards: 1-800-369-4887

Loan Rates

Car Tire

New or Used Vehicles

Auto Loans

5.99% 2022 and Newer Vehicles 5.99%

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 5.99% require a payment of $16.57 per $1,000 per month.

0-72 months 5.99% APR

**Rates Effective 08-29-2024

Used Vehicles 2016-2021

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 8.00% require a payment of $17.55 per $1,000 per month.

0-60 months
6.95% APR
61-72 months 8.00% APR

**Rates Effective 08-29-2024

Used Vehicles 2015 and Older

(Some restrictions apply for 72 Months)
(Qualified Vehicles)

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 8.25% require a payment of $17.67 per $1,000 per month.

0-60 months
7.25% APR
61-72 months 8.25% APR

**Rates Effective 03-06-2023


2018 and Newer

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 8.50% require a payment of $17.79 per $1000 per month.

0-60 months
7.00% APR
61-72 months
8.50% APR

Used Motorcycles/Recreation
2016 - 2017

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 8.95% require a payment of $18.01 per $1000 per month.

0-60 months
7.85% APR
61-72 months
8.95% APR

Used Motorcycles/Recreation
2015 and Older

(Some restrictions apply for 72 months)
(Qualified Motorcycles/Recreation Vehicles)

Payments for 72 months at a rate of 9.00% require a payment of $18.04 per $1000 per month.

0-608 months 8.00% APR
61-72 months
9.00% APR

**Rates Effective 03-06-2023
All rates subject to change without notice.

Share Secured

Payments for 120 months at a rate of 3.99% require a payment of $10.13 per $1000 per month.

0-120 months
3.99% APR

**Rates Effective 08-12-2022
All rates subject to change without notice.

Home Equity - Closed-End

Payments for 120 Months at a rate of 8.25% APR require a payment of $12.27 per $1,000.

Application Fee: $475.00


Other requirements may be needed upon application.

up to 60 months
7.25% APR
61-120 months
8.25% APR

**Rates Effective 09-06-2023
All rates subject to change without notice.

Vacation Loan Special Offers

$7,000 up to 24 Months at a rate of 7.95%
require a payment of $45.21 per $1,000 per month

$10,000 for up to 36 Months at a rate of 9.95%
require a payment of $32.25 per $1,000 per month

up to 24 months
7.95% APR
0-36 months
9.95% APR

**Rates Effective 11-10-2022
All rates subject to change without notice.



(Signature) Closed-End

Payments for 48 months at a rate of 14.95% require a payment of $27.81 per $1000 per month.

up to 24 months
10.95% APR
25-36 months
12.95% APR
37-48 months
14.95% APR

**Rates Effective 10-21-2022
All rates subject to change without notice.

Open-End Revolving

Minimum payment of $3.50 per $100.00 a month.

Reviewed on 24 month basis.

up to 36 months
13.90% APR

Visa Credit Card

(fee charged for each cash advance)

9.90% APR
balance transfers
9.90% APR
cash advances
11.90% APR

**Rates Effective 05-17-2018
All rates subject to change without notice.
APR= Annual Percentage Rate
APY= Annual Percentage Yield

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